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Search Results:



Single Sign On For Al Nahdi

Nahdi wanted to use SSO and they were using Siebel CRM but, it does not support any protocol for Single Sign On(SSO). With miniOrange the, client was able to use their existing System and Data source and even use the SSO feature without any problem.




Adoption Rate

9 Weeks

Deployment Time

Great value, great support, great features


With its headquarters in Jeddah, Nahdi Medical Company is a leading chain of Saudi retail pharmacy. It manages and operates a nationwide network in 125 cities and villages across the Kingdom, which makes it one of the most prevalent and the fastest-growing companies in the region.

Nahdi wanted to use SSO and they were using Siebel CRM but, it does not support any protocol for Single Sign On(SSO). It is a tedious task to change the whole CRM system, transfer data from one CRM to another. Without miniOrange, they would have to integrate with Siebel CRM and build a new SSO system from the groundwork. With miniOrange the, client was able to use their existing System and Data source and even use the SSO feature without any problem.

miniOrange Solution

Secure Single Sign-on for Al Nahdi

With miniOrange Al Nahdi was able to use their existing Identity Provider and Data source and connect that with Siebel CRM without the hassle of developing or maintaining a new system.

Key benefits of the solution to Al Nahdi

Future Scope

When new application is developed (it can be SAML based, Oauth based etc.), it can be easily integrated with the already existing system.

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